Curabitur ultrices ultricies justo

Show icons on hover

Code structure: <div class="img_pf_hover">
    <img src="images/assets/5.png" class="img212x142" alt="" />
    <a href="images/assets/600x400.png" class="lightbox" title="Enter your image title here">
        <span class="img_pf_icon zoom_in"></span>

Optional image class: <img src="images/assets/5.png" class="img212x142" alt="" />
Available image hover icons: <span class="img_pf_icon zoom_in"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon more_info"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon play_video"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon goto_link"></span>

Show corner icons on hover

Code structure: <div class="img_pf_hover">
    <a href="images/assets/600x400.png" class="lightbox" title="Document">
    <img src="images/assets/5.png" class="img212x142" alt="" />
        <span class="img_pf_icon2 document"></span>

Optional image class: <img src="images/assets/5.png" class="img212x142" alt="" />
Available image hover icons: <span class="img_pf_icon2 document"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon2 video"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon2 link"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon2 zoom"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon2 image"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon2 archive"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon2 featured"></span>
<span class="img_pf_icon2 extern"></span>

Show text on hover

Code structure: <div class="img_pf_hover">
    <img src="images/assets/5.png" class="img212x142" alt="" />
    <a href="images/assets/600x400.png" class="lightbox" title="Enter your image title here">
        <span class="img_pf_text style1">Enlarge</span>

Optional image class: <img src="images/assets/5.png" class="img212x142" alt="" />
Available styles: <span class="img_pf_text style1">Enlarge</span>
<span class="img_pf_text style2">Enlarge</span>
<span class="img_pf_text style3">Enlarge</span>
<span class="img_pf_text style4">Enlarge</span>
<span class="img_pf_text style5">Enlarge</span>
<span class="img_pf_text style6">Enlarge</span>
<span class="img_pf_text style7">Enlarge</span>
<span class="img_pf_text style8">Enlarge</span>

Only opacity w/h lightbox

Code structure: <div class="img_pf_hover">
    <a href="images/assets/600x400.png" class="lightbox" title="Enter your image title here">
        <img src="images/assets/5.png" class="img212x142" alt="" />

About us

Nulla facilisi. Mauris vel mattis risus. Ut nec luctus tortor. In interdum pulvinar quam non pharetra. Proin sed diam in lorem varius tempor.

Vestibulum porta, diam quis mollis rutrum. Vestibulum ac tortor ut nisi hendrerit tincidunt quis in felis.

Get in touch

Hartwick Highlands Campground, 131 Burke Hill Rd, Milford, New York, USA

Phone: + 0123 25-4565151
Fax: + 0123 25-7856791

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