Profile Pic


John Smith

Form elements and controls

Check out the Application like navigation. Resize to see the liquid layout in action. Expand/Collapse and sort boxes. Try out the WYSIWYGs.

Form Elements


Form Elements


This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon.

First option
Second option
Third option
First option
Second option
Third option

Alert Boxes


These alerts can have any of the 400+ icons. Click to dismiss and they'll fade away!

This is a blue Alert!
This is a green Alert!
This is a red Alert!
This is an orange Alert!
This is a black Alert!
This is a navy Alert!
This is a grey Alert!

More Elements (jQuery UI, themeroller compatible)


HTML5 Elements (Not available on every browser)


Form Validation
